Field guide to the mammals of south-east asia

Charles Francis

anglais | 27-07-2024 | 416 pages


Livre de poche



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A fully revised and updated second edition of the only comprehensive guide to the mammals of South-east Asia. From large mammals such as the elephant, bears, big cats, dolphins and whales to monkeys and badgers to bats, civets, rats and shrews, South-east Asia is one of the world’s richest regions in terms of mammal diversity. Species new to science are still being described regularly, though there is increasing pressure on all of its wild mammal populations.

More than 550 species are covered in this comprehensive guide. Each species account includes key identification characteristics, habitat, behaviour, distribution and status, and many are accompanied by line drawings of footprints and details of anatomy, or other aspects of identification. Beautiful colour plates depict nearly all species and their variations, while accompanying range maps provide up-to-date information on distribution.

This field guide is essential for any naturalist or traveller visiting this special corner of Asia.


Code EAN :9781472934970
Editeur :Bloomsbury
Date de publication :  27-07-2024
Format :Livre de poche
Langue(s) : anglais
Hauteur :216 mm
Largeur :142 mm
Epaisseur :21 mm
Poids :744 gr
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :416