Bells of Tokyo: Meditations on time and a city
Sherman Anna
anglais | 17-10-2024 | 352 pages
Livre de poche
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For over 300 years, Japan closed itself to outsiders, developing a remarkable and unique culture. During its period of isolation, the inhabitants of the city of Edo, later known as Tokyo, relied on its public bells to tell the time. In her remarkable book, Anna Sherman tells of her search for the bells of Edo, exploring the city of Tokyo and its inhabitants and the individual and particular relationship of Japanese culture - and the Japanese language - to time, tradition, memory, impermanence and history.
Code EAN : | 9781529000498 |
Editeur : | Picador |
Date de publication : | 17-10-2024 |
Format : | Livre de poche |
Langue(s) : | anglais |
Hauteur : | 190 mm |
Largeur : | 120 mm |
Poids : | 277 gr |
Stock : | Disponible |
Nombre de pages : | 352 |