Afrika Zuid & Midden


anglais | 20-01-2015 | 1 pages


Carte, reliée



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Wegenkaart Afrika zuid en centraal
Deze kaart dekt dat deel van het continent dat door oude Afrikaanse handen altijd 'centraal' wordt genoemd, oftewel Rhodesië en Nyasaland - nu bekend als Zambia, Malawi en Zimbabwe.

By its shape, generous portions of the southern portions of DEM Congo, the eastern third of Angola, the northern half of Mozambique, and Botswana's Okavunga Delta are included on the one side. The second side covers South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, the rest of Botswana, and southern Namibia in great detail. This is an excellent map for anyone visiting the larger region of the southern third of Africa. As with our other regional titles, this is a work in progress. The next stage will be to move to a more detailed scale and prepare new maps for West Africa, the Sahara, East Africa, and the larger countries of the continent - a task that should take several years.

Legend Includes:
Roads by classification, Rivers and Lakes, National Park, Airports, Points of Interests, Mining, Highways, Main Roads, Zoos, Fishing, , and much more...


Code EAN :9781553412731
Editeur :ITMB Publishing Ltd
Date de publication :  20-01-2015
Format :Carte, reliée
Langue(s) : anglais
Hauteur :250 mm
Largeur :100 mm
Poids :55 gr
Echelle de la carte :1/3400000
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :1