Burkina Faso & West Afrika


anglais | 01-02-2021 | 1 pages


Carte, reliée



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Wegenkaart Burkina Faso & West Afrika

Side 1 concentrates on the country itself, with detailed inset maps of Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso and a listing of the top nine must-see attractions of this inland country. Historically, the country’s origins can be traced back to the 1500s, when a flourishing empire existed in this part of Africa. W-Arly-Pendjari is home to West Africa’s largest herd of elephants, and Tiebele is home to fascinating local architecture. The other side of the sheet shows all of West Africa, from Mauritania to Cameroon. It shows sub-Saharan Africa to excellent advantage and would be a very good map for anyone exploring the overall region.

Legend includes: roads by classification, points of Interest, airports, gas stations, post Offices, hospitals, hotels, lodgings, resthouse/hostels, campsites/huts, border crossings, museums, archeologic sites, mosques, churches/missions, wells, mine, mountain peaks, world heritage sites, parks, lakes and much more.


Code EAN :9781771290920
Editeur :ITMB Publishing Ltd
Date de publication :  01-02-2021
Format :Carte, reliée
Langue(s) : anglais
Hauteur :250 mm
Largeur :100 mm
Poids :55 gr
Echelle de la carte :1/4800000
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :1