Botswana / Zimbabwe


anglais | 01-08-2020 | 1 pages


Carte, reliée



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Wegenkaart Botswana en Zimbabwe

On one side is an indexed road map of Botswana with altitude colouring in feet and graphics to indicate swamps, sand dunes and salt pans. National parks and other protected areas are highlighted. Road network includes tracks and shows locations of petrol stations. Railway lines are shown with stations and local airports are marked. Symbols indicate various places of interest including various types of tourist accommodation, medical facilities, etc. Also shown are the country’s internal administrative boundaries with names of the provinces. Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at intervals of 1º. The map is accompanied by a large, clear street plan of central Gaborone, also annotated with sights, accommodation and facilities.

On the reverse similar cartography presents Zimbabwe, also indexed and accompanied by street plans of central Harare and Bulawayo, and enlargement of the Victoria Falls area and a plan of the Greater Zimbabwe National Monument.


Code EAN :9781771291002
Editeur :ITMB Publishing Ltd
Date de publication :  01-08-2020
Format :Carte, reliée
Langue(s) : anglais
Hauteur :250 mm
Largeur :100 mm
Poids :125 gr
Echelle de la carte :1/1100000
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :1