Chile: The Carretera Austral 2


anglais | 15-11-2022 | 362 pages


Livre de poche



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This new, thoroughly updated second edition of Bradt’s Chile: the Carretera Austral is written by resident expert Hugh Sinclair and remains a unique guide to this stunning and remote part of the world, complete with information which in some instances has taken over a decade of experience to compile. This is the only guidebook focussed entirely on the magnificent and historic road uniting northern and southern Patagonia. The few hardy travellers that embark on this journey struggle to find even basic information about the region. The book provides visitors to the often-visited Bariloche and Chilean Lake District with a spectacular alternative means to reach the southern extremes of Patagonia.
Completing three entirely new traverses of the Carretera Austral and speaking to countless visitors encountered along the way, the authors have updated the guide comprehensively while offering an expanded suggested itineraries section to aid in planning. Meanwhile increased focus on conservation is helping to preserve the region’s pristine beauty.
Packed with everything you need for a successful trip, from practical advice such as accommodation and eating options en-route to history, culture, trekking and rafting, new features and information include the Route of the Parks, details of new ferry services, coverage of islands previously not included, an expanded section on micro-breweries, new maps and further details on parks and reserves.
Increasingly established as one of the definitive road-trips worldwide, the Carretera Austral continues to evolve, firmly placing it as the definitive means to travel between northern Patagonia and the deep south. Bradt’s Carretera Austral offers everything you need to plan and complete a successful trip from the high Andes to the remote Pacific coast.


Code EAN :9781784774752
Editeur :Bradt guides
Date de publication :  15-11-2022
Format :Livre de poche
Langue(s) : anglais
Hauteur :220 mm
Largeur :140 mm
Poids :310 gr
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :362