Kids Travel Atlas


anglais | 30-09-2012 | 36 pages


Livre de poche



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The Kids Travel Atlas is a great way to involve the kids in any journey and avoid the feeling of being 'dragged along for the ride', no matter if it's a big road trip or just a short break away. Contained within the book are 22 atlas pages, which cover all of Australia's railway and aviation museums as well as Australia's 'big' things.
The Kids Travel Atlas is filled with maps, fun illustrations and activities to do. Features easy-to-read atlas pages, heaps of games, puzzles and activities, as well as wipe-clean pages and a free reusable pen.


Code EAN :9781865006208
Editeur :Hema Maps
Date de publication :  30-09-2012
Format :Livre de poche
Langue(s) : anglais
Hauteur :280 mm
Largeur :380 mm
Poids :204 gr
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :36