A Naturalist's Guide to the Snakes of South-East Asia

Indraneil Das

176 pages


Livre de poche



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This easy-to-use identification guide to the 239 snake species most commonly seen in South-East Asia (covering Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Bali) is perfect for resident and visitor alike. High quality photographs from the regions's top nature photographers, some of species that have never before been published, are accompanied by detailed species descriptions which include nomenclature, size, distribution, habits and habitat. The user-friendly introduction covers snake topography, how to deal with snake bits and a glossary. Also included is an all-important checklist of all of the snakes of South-East Asia encompassing, for each species, its common and scientific name, IUCN status as at 2012 and its status in each country.


Code EAN :9781906780708
Format :Livre de poche
Hauteur :180 mm
Largeur :128 mm
Poids :409 gr
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :176