Lviv / Lwow 1939 city map


polonais | 01-01-2017 | 1 pages


Carte, reliée




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Lwow 1939. City map with street index. Scale 1:10000. Maps of Lviv region organized by counties, schools, cultural and educational centers, and economic entities. Maps follow the original wording in use prior to 1939 (Zastosowano oryginalna pisownie sprzed 1939 roku)
** Districts, neighborhoods - Parks and other recreational spaces - Schools and institutions of higher learning - Cultural and religious associations and buildings - Administrative bodies and industries - Military facilities and police stations - Hospitals and wellness centers - Street index
*** MAIN MAP: Catholic and Protestant churches (koscioly katolickie i protestanckie) - Orthodox churches (cerkwie) - synagogues (synagogi) - chapels (kaplice) - hospitals (szpitale) - tramway lines (linie tramwajowe) - public-use buildings (budynki uzytecznosci publicznej) - Christian cemeteries (cmentarze chrzescijanskie) - Jewish cemeteries (cmentarze zydowskie) - parks and wooded areas (parki, lasy) - grasslands (laki) - wetlands (tereny podmokle)
*** OTHER MAPS: Map of schools in Lviv province (Mapa szkól...) - Map of cultural and educational centers in Lviv province (Mapa osrodków kulturalno-oswiatowych...) - Map of economic organizations in Lviv province (Mapa organizacji gospodarczej...)
*** LEGENDS: Schools: the number of windows indicates the number of classrooms in the school (szkoly: ilosc okien...)
** Border of Lviv province (granice powiatu...) - County borders (granice gmin) - Lviv city area (obszar Lwowa) - Greater Lviv city area (obszar Lwowa)
** Train tracks, stations, stops (linie kolejowe...) - Main roads (wazniejsze drogi)
** Agricultural cooperative (kólko rolnicze) - Stores of the agricultural cooperative, etc. (sklep "Kólka rolniczego" itd.) - Farm equipment cooperative (spólka maszynowa) - Stefczyk credit union (Kasa Stefczyka) ** Polish centers (dom polski) - Ruthenian centers (dom ruski) - German centers (dom niemiecki)


Code EAN :9788391935637
Editeur :Kasprowski Publisher
Date de publication :  01-01-2017
Format :Carte, reliée
Langue(s) : polonais
Hauteur :230 mm
Largeur :130 mm
Poids :66 gr
Echelle de la carte :1/10000
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :1