
Dirk Hilbers

anglais | 01-06-2014 | 224 pages


Livre de poche



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IJsland is beroemd om zijn indrukwekkende landschappen, unieke geologie en rijk vogelleven. Er zijn weinig plekken ter wereld waar het vulkanisme zo'n veelvoud landschappen heeft voortgebracht, en waar zulke enorme aantallen vogels gemakkelijk te zien en te fotograferen zijn Deze nieuwe Crossbill Guide beschrijft de IJslandse natuur in al zijn facetten. Biedt belangrijke achtergrondinformatie, 16 toproutes en talrijke tips die interessant zijn voor geologie, vogels, zeezoogdieren, flora en landschapshistorie. Engelstalige uitgave. Uit de pers 'These guides are the most practical aides to enjoying wildlife in some of the most amazing places in Europe' - Derek Moore in British Birds

Region covered by this guide
This guidebook covers the entire island of Iceland.
The Crossbill Guide is a thorough and practical guide for naturalists and nature lovers. It offers background information, routes and site descriptions, plus tips on finding and watching all kinds of wildlife. The book offers a mix of walking routes and car itineraries with stops and short walks.

About Iceland
Iceland is often referred to as the land of fire and ice, but it is just as much the land of birds and orchids. Their numbers run into the millions, vastly outnumbering the people of this sparsely populated, wild land. Iceland is also the land of whales, seals and dolphins, and the haunt of the lone and skinny Arctic Fox, skulking the slopes in search of prey. In fact, Iceland could best be called the land of the naturalist and nature lover, who will be overwhelmed with the abundance of wildlife.
Look for more information and images on our Wildlife Site Page on Iceland.

About the author
Dirk Hilbers (NL, 1976), set up the Crossbill Guides Foundation and travels Europe to research the guidebooks. This is the 16th guide on which he has worked. As a biologist, when not in the field, Dirk Hilbers is a free-lance writer and lecturer in the field of environmental ethics.


Code EAN :9789491648038
Editeur :KNNV Uitgeverij
Date de publication :  01-06-2014
Format :Livre de poche
Langue(s) : anglais
Hauteur :213 mm
Largeur :152 mm
Epaisseur :18 mm
Poids :568 gr
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :224
Collection :  Crossbill guides