Cévennes and grands causses - France

Dirk Hilbers-Crossbill guides

anglais | 01-01-2015 | 256 pages


Livre de poche



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Dé vakantiegids om één van de belangrijkste natuurgebieden van Zuid-Frankrijk te ontdekken: het Cévennes Nationale Park in de Provence. Tegen een adembenemende achtergrond van steile kloven, uitgestrekte bossen en open, steppeachtige hoogvlaktes, kan iedere natuurliefhebber de uitzonderlijk rijke flora en fauna ontdekken. Honderden kilometers wandelpaden maken het mogelijk om het unieke landschap en haar enorme rijkdom aan orchideeën en andere wilde bloemen, bijzondere vogelsoorten en vlinders te ontdekken. De traditionele, middeleeuwse bergdorpjes bieden een ontspannen startpunt voor ontdekkingstochten en spectaculaire wandelingen. - De enige reisgids die flora en fauna, en vogels beschrijft - 19 natuurroutes, vogelkijk- en observatietips - Achtergrondinformatie over landschap en ecologie Ideaal voor een avontuurlijke natuur- en wandelvakantie in de Cevennen in Frankrijk. Deze natuurgids maakt deel uit van de succesvolle serie Crossbill Guides. Engelstalige uitgave.


Region covered by this guide
This guidebook covers the twin regions of the Cévennes and Grands Causses in south-central France. The area forms the southernmost and highest part of the Massif Central. The book covers everything from the Mont Lozère in the north to the southern extremities at Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort and from the eastern lowlands near Alès to the western edge of the Grands Causses at Millau.

The Crossbill Guide is a thorough and practical guide for naturalists and nature lovers. It offers background information, routes and site descriptions, plus tips on finding and watching all kinds of wildlife. Each route offers detailed descriptions of where to find wildlife and wildflowers. The book offers a mix of walking routes and car itineraries with stops and short walks. Although some are challenging, all the walks in this book are designed to explore the landscape and find birds and wildlife rather than simply covering ground.

About Cévennes and Grands Causses
In the south-eastern part of the Massif Central in France lie the Cévennes and Grands Causses; a remote and mountainous region of great natural beauty. The mountains are covered in forest, mixed with extensive mountain heathlands, limestone grasslands, secluded river valleys and Mediterranean scrublands, creating a pleasantly varied landscape. Deep, rocky gorges (such as the famous Gorges du Tarn) add drama to the landscape. The spectacle continues underground, where vast cave systems penetrate deep into the bedrock – all in all, the Cévennes and Grands Causses are one of the more spectacular regions of France.
Read more on our Wildlife Site Page about the Cévennes and Grands Causses.

About the author
Dirk Hilbers (NL, 1976), set up the Crossbill Guides Foundation and travels Europe to research the guidebooks. This is the 8th guide on which he has worked. As a biologist, when not in the field, Dirk Hilbers is a free-lance writer and lecturer in the field of environmental ethics.


Code EAN :9789491648052
Editeur :KNNV Uitgeverij
Date de publication :  01-01-2015
Format :Livre de poche
Langue(s) : anglais
Hauteur :210 mm
Largeur :150 mm
Epaisseur :17 mm
Poids :568 gr
Stock :Disponible
Nombre de pages :256
Collection :  Crossbill guides