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Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park just north of Kathmandu on a detailed map at 1:30,000 from Nepa Maps highlighting numerous local trekking and cycling routes. The map covers both sections of the park: its main area between Kakani and Juhle, and the smaller section west of Kathmandu around Jamacho. Numerous treks are highlighted by different colouring and the map also shows which trails and local roads are recommended for cycling. Contour lines are at 20m intervals. Latitude and longitude are shown by margin ticks at 2’30” intervals. The index list places, passes, and locations with medical centres. On the inside cover are stage-by-stage distances and timings for several highlighted routes.
Code EAN : | 9789937577304 |
Date de publication : | 12-10-2023 |
Format : | Relié |
Langue(s) : | anglais |
Echelle de la carte : | 1/30.000 |
Stock : | Disponible |